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Men's Wear Store and
Dear You

Svrvbii & RanchingGal

30.6k 341.1k

When you like someone you let them know right? Wrong! Cheri and her friends all work at their local toy store Playtime. Spending so much time together Cheri formed a crush on one of them.  She can never tell that person or the others in the group, she only writes about them in her Diary. Telling would only ruin everything between everyone.

When you like someone you let them know right? Wrong! Cheri and her friends all work at their local toy store Playtime. Spending so much time together Cheri formed a crush on one of them.  She can never tell that person or the others in the group, she only writes about them in her Diary. Telling would only ruin everything between everyone.

Chapters up to Ch. 5 Ongoing, IDK(IDK)

For You